Woe Is I — fix your grammar & spelling

Sidewalk Branding Co.
1 min readDec 22, 2020

When writing a blog, social post, or article — be certain to slow down to check and double-check your spelling and grammar before hitting the publish button.

That sounds elementary, but it’s easy to read your work how you want it to sound — and miss mistakes.

There are a ton of great spelling and grammar tools out there, we use three for everything we write! Search them out, read reviews, and buy one — it’s a worthy investment.

Lastly, if you aspire to be a grammarphobe, pick up the book — which uses humor and clever examples to explain grammar in an easy-to-understand — if not a fun way, unlike all the online tools.

This has been my go-to since the first edition, which I borrowed from my mother (a retired English teacher).

Originally published at https://www.sidewalkbranding.co on December 22, 2020.

